Create the Life That Makes Your Heart Sing

Contained in each successful person who has said ‘yes’ to their heart’s desires is an ordinary person who once lived with a hidden ‘no’. 

You may not be aware of your inner ‘no’, but it is sending out a broadcast that repels your heart’s desires.

And there is a way out.

This course will take you on a powerful journey from being a seeker to being a finder. 

Whatever your focus: 

  • Health
  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Purpose 
  • Spiritual fulfillment

You CAN move from point A to point B in fulfilling your heart’s desires. 

Full of inspiring anecdotes, case studies, experiential techniques and the hallmark of my work; The Releasing Process, this course will guide you along in your own healing journey.

In this program you will

  • Create a blueprint on what your heart desires for 2022

  • Understand what hinders you from finding your truest self

  • Release the hidden ‘no’ between you and the fulfillment you truly desire

The Course Curriculum

    1. I Release Welcome Video

    1. The Releasing Process and How It Works

    2. The Power of Memories

    1. Emotions: The Key to Healing

    2. Emotions :The Key to Healing - Releasing Statements

    1. The Invitation: Toward Wholeness and Creating Your Heart’s Desires

    2. Creating the Blueprint for Your Heart’s Desires

    1. Hindrance #1: Lack of Clarity

    2. Hindrance #1 Exercise: Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement

    3. Hindrance #1 Releasing Statements

    1. Hindrance #2: Complaints, Excuses, Stories, and Dramas about How It Doesn’t Work for You Because You’re Special

    2. Hindrance #2 Exercise: Eliminating Excuses, Stories, and Drama

    3. Hindrance #2 Releasing Statements

  • $1,697.00
  • 53 lessons
  • 24 hours of video content

“Love brings up everything that is in the way of love to be healed”

The notion of a hidden ‘no’ can take us right to shame - not a fun place to hang out.

Which is why I love The Releasing Process,  when the hidden ‘no’ gets exposed to the light of day, any shame gets alchemized into compassion. 

Nothing good ever came from shame. It’s hard to create much from shame. Compassion is a very rich place from which we can create from, instead of shame. Right?

Another place we go to when we hear hidden ‘no’ is ‘character flaw’. In fact our ‘no’ is a brave adaptation we took on as a child to protect us, to keep us safe. 

Every issue and every obstacle to your heart’s desire is rooted in a wound from your past. Each of these wounds has its own inner logic that keeps obstacles actively undermining and preventing forward movement in the here and now. 

Sadly - and sometimes tragically - we act, feel, imagine and create without any awareness or recognition of how the influence of past experiences runs the show on our present day reality. 

If you knew how many influences are affecting you right now, it would blow your mind! 

In this course, you will be guided on a journey of self discovery to identify and expose the hidden ‘no’ in order to turn shame into compassion, and put you on the path to making your heart sing.

This program closed on February 18th. Next course will begin Fall 2022

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Real Results from Real People

“After many years of over-apologizing, conflict avoidance, co-dependency, and tumultuous encounters with family members, I have finally started to get a grip on my adult life. Working with Voge has changed my life in so many ways. She has helped me learn to forgive myself, to set boundaries, and to come in to my power as a wife, mother, and CEO. I have learned a lot about myself and come to appreciate my unique experiences. I feel so much better in my own skin and am not afraid to stand up for myself anymore. Time and time again I find myself turning back to Voge for clarity and wisdom. She has helped so much and I highly recommend her services.”


“Working with Voge is literally the best investment in my personal health that I have ever made. I’ve invested tens of thousands with coaches and therapists, have done personal development training & seminars yet none of them have created the depth of breakthrough and realization that Voge has helped me to identify and remove. She’s not only guided me to identifying the subconscious blocks that trick me into sabotaging myself but she’s given me simple concept driven tools that help me to identify when old issues are trying mask themselves and new things. Voge is clear, concise, direct, kind and empathetic to all the sh*t that’s been accumulated in our lives and equally as important, she understands the process to helping our brain & body release the junk. If you’re serious about the journey of removing old brain & habit patterns to achieve more personal and/or professional success in your life, Voge is extremely qualified to support that goal.”


“Working with Voge is an absolute godsend. She’s like a computer hacker for your brain — able to quickly identify and locate the “bad code” in your software and not just rewrite it, but completely delete it! She’s been able to get to the heart of issues that years of traditional therapy didn’t uncover. It doesn’t matter what I bring to our sessions, Voge is always able to find the REAL reason I’m having emotional breakdowns or pain, help me release it, and get me back on track to living a life I love as a functioning adult. Thank you Voge!!!”


“The work I do with Voge is some of the most important in my life. She continually helps me work through deep seated issues that influence my life, my actions and my thoughts on a daily basis. In session, we work together to get to find the root that’s causing the issue and then work to release it. The process is collaborative. In those moments where you can’t fathom why you’re feeling a certain way, when can’t find your own way back to the time, place and memory where an issue budded that’s affecting you in present day. Her process helps you uncover and see what’s there. Voge is part investigator and part intuit. She isn’t fluffy, she is kind, direct and has a great sense of humor. The perfect combination to help you really get some work done on yourself. She helps you go deep to uncover memories and unpack experiences that help you acknowledge and release things, thoughts, mental barriers that are holding you back in life and in business that you weren’t able to see where there. This process of investigation and releasing improves my life every time. More than that, I know I have a therapy partner to help me move through anything past, present and future.”


“Years and years of progress made in a matter of a couple of months. Before I came to Voge, I had been in therapy for years and had made tons of progress. Little did I know the massive transformation awaiting me in just a few short months with Voge’s help. Voge is able to make connections no other practitioner has made. She is able to explain how trauma and past issues are affecting me physiologically (nervous system), emotionally, and psychologically. Plus, her eagle eyes/ears she has an uncanny way of getting to the heart of the matter extremely quickly. And, when I say “heart of the matter” she has (time and time again) been able to hear everything I was saying and completely unpack the issue to identify the root cause…and, inevitably it has always been a cause that had never been addressed/identified with other forms of talk therapy. She is able to explain how the pain I am feeling in my current life and the reason I am acting a certain way, is tied to things that happened decades ago. There is talk about working with “rapid transformation” folks and I give very little attention to that because this deep work, which includes healing past trauma takes time. Well, what I love is that Voge doesn’t focus on the timestamp of overcoming things quickly. She focuses on going to the root issue (and her treasure trove of skills got me there from the first session we ever worked together). Because her focus is on fully seeing and identifying the true issue, years’ worth of progress is made in one 60-minute session. Voge has a wide open heart with extraordinary boundaries and will not b.s. you, talk around the issue or tend to a fragile ego. She goes right in and helps you unwind the trauma of your past (most I was unaware of how it was tied to my unhelpful tendencies I’ve been living out for decades). Her work is unique, innovative and extraordinarily transformational.”


“Voge is a master – I’ve recommended friends and clients to see her so many times. I have a successful business, and always try to find the best of the best. When I got a referral from a badass business owner friend that gushed about how awesome Voge was I couldn’t wait to chat with her. After working with her for over 6 months, through a period of deep grief (a family member that was given a year to live and seeing him dying before my eyes) – we’ve uncovered so much childhood trauma that I didn’t even realize I had. I thought I had a pretty ok upbringing, but I was in denial about a lot of it. I’ve been learning how to process my feelings (I used to be very hyper-rational and strategic and everything went through my mind filter first) I’m learning new ways to heal. My friends and I joke – “What would Voge say!” and we are able to set better boundaries. I am so grateful to her and her wisdom and kindness in helping so many! You must chat with her – it’ll be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. ”


“Voge has been very valuable to me and my family for many years. We’ve sought her specific brand of help when we couldn’t find our own way and needed healing. Most recently, I committed to digging into some long term habituated behavior that I’ve been unable to move past. We have done some deep, meaningful work! Voge’s impact is powerful–she is intuitive, precise, and incredibly direct. She is able to make connections between conscious and unconscious patterns that are barriers to feeling free and being the best version ourselves. She works from a foundation of love, support and compassion that provide a soft landing for her keen (and sometimes hard hitting) insights. Voge is the real deal. I trust her, believe in the type of work she does, and highly recommend her!”


“This course is outstanding. I love being able to listen to the recordings before bed each night. I printed out all the exercises and releasing statements and I work on them a little bit every day. So many gems, and so nice to be able to revisit them again and again to explore the many layers in which this wisdom can be applied. Absolutely recommend!”

Andrea Isabelle Lucas (she/her/hers)

The goal of this course is simple

To identify the hindrances in your life to understand where they come from in order to create opportunities to neutralize them by making the implicit, explicit.

  • Access to all of the I Release! - The Course training videos

  • A correlating workbook to go deeper into each module

  • A video transcriptions and audio only version of each moduleaudio

  • A total of 12 monthly Group Releasing Sessions (only if you choose the option with the group sessions)

I Release! - The Course, with 12 Monthly Group Releasing Sessions

This option is best for those who enjoy being surrounded by other people who are doing the work alongside them. Live sessions with Voge are held on Wednesdays and the first is Wednesday, February 16th.

  • $1,697.00

    This price includes the 12 monthly Group Releasing Sessions

    Enroll Today

I Release! - The Course, with no Group Releasing Sessions

This option is best for those who prefer to learn at their own pace and do not enjoy group participation.

Create the Life that Makes Your Heart Sing